{"id":37114,"date":"2024-08-22T12:12:36","date_gmt":"2024-08-22T16:12:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mastersamuraitech.com\/?p=37114"},"modified":"2024-08-31T12:21:00","modified_gmt":"2024-08-31T16:21:00","slug":"quick-amp-and-temperature-test-for-refrigerator-sealed-system-diagnosis","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/mail.appliancetechbootcamp.com\/quick-amp-and-temperature-test-for-refrigerator-sealed-system-diagnosis\/","title":{"rendered":"Quick Amp and Temperature Test for Refrigerator Sealed System Diagnosis"},"content":{"rendered":"

You know the drill: you’re on a warm refrigerator service call. Your first troubleshooting move is to half split the problem between the sealed system and everything else. In other words, “Am I dealing with a sealed system problem?” You want to answer this question first because everything else you do flows from this differential diagnosis. <\/p>\n

So you break out your gauges, install line piercing valves and get your high and low side pressures, right? If you don’t understand sealed system thermodynamics and how it moves heat around the system, then, yes, this is probably what you would do. But techs who actually understand how sealed systems work roll smarter than that.<\/strong> Here’s a quick example of diagnosing a sealed system problem non-invasively using an amp clamp and a temperature measurement. <\/p>\n
